Get 50% Off This Sleek Windows Organizer for Mac
Boost Your Productivity—Personalized Layout & Streamlined Access

The Details:
- Store all of your Mac windows under one roof
- Customize window layouts by project
- Make use of hotkeys to quickly minimize, maximize, and restore
- Move and resize using easy track-pad gestures
Why You Want It: Mac tasks can have you call on multiple open windows over the course of a work session, and it can be a bit of a headache trying to manage them all on a stock setup. WindowSwitcher gives users a powerful UI to organize and access multiple windows and increase productivity. Complete layout control and an easy hotkey-gesture system ensure you’ll never be caught cursing a window-heavy project again.
The Deal: The regular lifetime access price of $39.99 is currently slashed in half at the Inverse Shop, so now is a great time to pick up WindowSwitcher if it appeals—that’s $19.99 on checkout.