These Are the Best Wireless Headphones on Amazon
Many comfort. Very sound. Such noise-canceling. Wow!
by Blake StimacApple (and those who followed suit) got a lot of flack for removing the standard 3.5mm headphone jack from their phones. It’s true that having the trusty port available is a nice fallback, allowing you to use your old headphones without an adapter, but we live in an increasingly wireless world. Yes, Bluetooth headphones are another “thing” in your life to charge, but they also allow you to get closer to a truly wireless life.
We’ve already covered some of the best wireless earbuds, so now it’s time for over the head headphones with noise canceling.
Sony 1000XM3 Noise-Canceling Headphones
Sony 1000MX3 Noise Canceling Headphones
For the past two generations of noise-canceling headphones, Bose and Sony have been battling it out for NC supremacy. Both times, Sony has responded to the Bose QuietComfort 35 and Series 2 headphones with superior noise canceling that can’t be beat. Fantastic sound, fast charging, smart assistant support, and a touch-sensitive earpiece that really sets it apart from the competition.
Tip: If you don’t mind losing a feature or two but retaining fantastic audio quality and active noise cancellation, you can spend less on the Sony 1000XM2—and be nearly as happy.
Bose QuietComfort 35 ii
QuietComfort 35 Wireless Headphones II
Just because Sony’s 1000MX3 headphones best the Bose QuietComfort 35 2 doesn’t make them bad headphones. Quite the opposite: Until Sony made the strides it did, Bose was the brand to beat in the space, and it still is when it comes to wearing the cans. Even Sony can’t match the comfort, and you can likely go longer wearing the Bose headphones before they become uncomfortable. You’ll still get great sound and noise-canceling powers but a slightly inferior build compared to what Sony has on tap.
Tip: The first generation of the Bose QuietComfort 35 headphones are still a superb buy today.
Microsoft Surface Headphones
Microsoft Surface Headphones
Microsoft’s first true effort in the noise-canceling headphone market was a surprisingly good one. Then again, with the Surface name attached to it, you could only expect a quality pair of headphones. Offering an on-ear dial for ANC adjustment, Cortana support, and a unique look, there really isn’t a better pair of headphones to go with your Surface Laptop or Surface Pro 6.
Sennheiser PXC 550
Sennheiser PXC 550 Wireless Headphones
It should come as no surprise to find Sennheiser here, and if you know a thing or two about the space, no surprise to see the PXC 550 headphones, either. Unrivaled sound quality in a pair of comfortable cans that come with NoiseGard, they also offer adaptive noise-canceling tech under the hood. They also ship with a promised 30-hour battery life and a triple microphone system to ensure a solid experience for taking a call on the headphones.