
Drake and Twitter Made Meek Mill Wish He Could Have Last Night Back

The Philadelphia rapper released a diss track to Drake. The Internet did not take kindly.

by David Turner
Elsa, Getty Images 

On Thursday night, Meek Mill, the hard-in-the-street Philadelphia rapper, finally released his on-the-record response to Drake’s diss towards him.

Meek Mill set the rap world ablaze last week with his accusation that Drake didn’t write his own lyrics.

The accusation was proven true when Internet sleuths — people who can read Wikipedia — saw that the person behind some of Drake’s bars was an Atlanta rapper named Quentin Miller. The accusation of ghostwriting appeared thin when Miller’s name was clearly in the album’s liner notes, but that didn’t stop Drake from releasing not one but two diss tracks at Meek.

Meek’s beef remains that Drake didn’t write his own lyrics. Meek Mill came up battle rapping and was a fan of Drake, even when Meek was still just in Philly, not a national star — so to discover a rapper he respected so much didn’t even pen his own lyrics must’ve been disappointing. Meek Mill is a rapper who often speaks to loyalty and being real with the people he’s close to. Drake rapping someone else’s lyrics doesn’t do much to keep with that approach.

“Wanna Know” included the Miller reference track to “Know Yourself,” but even that was enough to save Meek from the Internet’s scorn for a lackluster attempt to rip Drake: Rolling Stone, for one, blamed the “partially indecipherable flow and lack of memorable punch lines” in Meek’s track for the backlash. When fast food places and local Canadian politicians are dismissing your diss then that is certainly a day that Meek wishes he could have back.

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