
Which Marijuana Experts Actually Know What They're Talking About?

The pot commentariat is growing rapidly. We pick out the best of the bunch.

by Yasmin Tayag

Weed’s is photosynthesizing in the spotlight at the moment, which has the national media struggling to cover a new industry. Everyone has hot takes/tokes, but where are the real experts? They’re out there if you know where to look.

These are your weed info buds:

Kristen Wyatt

She’s pretty open about supporting pot legalization, but that doesn’t prevent Wyatt from writing balanced stories on topics ranging from pesticide regulation to treating PTSD with pot. Her work for the AP is often featured in national newspapers, but worth seeking out almost daily. And, in addition to featuring her own writing, her Twitter feed is a one-stop source for the most up-to-date news about marijuana regulation. Doesn’t hurt that, being in Colorado, she’s where all the action is.

Susan Squibb

The news reporting from The Cannabist is reliably on point, but Squibb, who is more of a lifestyle writer, still stands out. She’s got a common sense, cool-mom approach that is at once relatable and reliably in tune with current issues. Since the Denver Post-affiliated pub she works for is devoted strictly to pot, she covers a mix of the local and national.

Also, follow her boss, Ricardo Baca, on Twitter. He’s the best kind of stoner.

Christopher Ingraham

Over at WaPo, Ingraham covers drug policy in general, so he’s especially good at positioning news on marijuana legislation in a political or regulatory context. A data nerd, he’s the guy to turn to if you ever need help making sense of pot-related statistics or need an infographic to help you sort it out.

German Lopez

Opinionated and incredibly candid, Lopez is, like Ingraham, a drug policy guy, and he’s not afraid to call bullshit on sensational media coverage or be brutally honest about pot research.

Danny Danko

The Bible for stoner boomers, High Times is a cultural institution that is getting fat on the current marijuana boom. The pub keeps expanding, bringing on new talent and fresh voices. It’s a solid crop, but Danny Danko, who presides over the podcast and cultivation coverage, is a standout. The guy knows weed in an intimate way, and he’s non-stoner funny.

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