'The Flash' to Debut Most Powerful Alt-Reality Version of Laurel Lance Ever

It seems the Arrowverse is giving Katie Cassidy yet another character to play. This time the newest version of her character will make her way to The Flash. Not only will this character come from a familiar Earth to Arrowverse fans, but she may also be the most powerful one to date.
During a conversation with TVLine, The Flash Executive Producer Todd Helbing discussed the end of this season’s DeVoe arc, including a new version of Laurel Lance coming from the Nazi world featured in the “Crisis on Earth-X” crossover. “She’s sort of the last remaining fighter of the Nazi regime, so she’s got a big chip on her shoulder,” Helbing explained. When comparing Siren-X to other versions of the character, Helbing said, “Her powers are pretty similar, but there’s one new thing that she can do with those powers that we’ve never seen any version of her do before.” Could her abilities be more advanced than even Izzy Bowin’s sonic music powers? Does Siren-X fly with her scream? Or does she use it to mimic voices?
Siren-X is a lingering holdover from the Earth-X group of evil Nazis that were featured earlier this season during the massive crossover event. Her father, Quentin Lance, was a Nazi general on Earth-X, so she probably also had a high-ranking position in the regime..
Katie Cassidy has made her way across the Arrowverse playing various versions of Laurel. First, Arrow viewers watched attorney Laurel become the hero Black Canary. After her death, fans of the character were distraught, but Cassidy got a new lease on life when she returned as Earth-2 villain Black Siren on The Flash. Since then, she’s played that version on Arrow, returning to her first home as a series regular. Siren-X makes this actress’ third version of the character, if you don’t count random flashbacks or random visions.
What may set Siren-X apart is this new use of the Canary’s powers she will bring to The Flash. Could it be something that will make Team Flash’s job even harder or will she use her power to contain the meta-human nuclear bomb at the center of Tuesday’s action?
Cassidy’s certainly been having a some fun with Black Siren on Arrow, so it’ll be interesting to see what Siren-X brings to the party
The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. Eastern on The CW.