Superman is capable of many great feats, but right now, the Man of Steel can’t shave his mustache. Henry Cavill, who grew a scruff to play a bad guy for the next Mission: Impossible sequel, was forbidden to shave it off as he returned to the set of Justice League for reshoots. True to his role as Batman, Ben Affleck didn’t mince words about Cavill’s facial hair.
“It was a full-on porn-star moustache,” Affleck joked in an interview with Empire released on Tuesday morning. “He looked like a porn star from the ’70s, just with a better body. It’s a different twist [on Superman].”
“Porn Star Superman” is a different twist all right. For one thing, Superman has almost never rocked a mustache in comics, opting for a full beard or just plain long hair. Never a mustache… except that one time with the online cult in Adventures of Superman #19 (and it was a disguise!).
It’s unclear how, but Warner Bros. is spending an exorbitant amount on post-production visual effects to zap away Cavill’s mustache, in order to maintain continuity with his clean-shaven look for Justice League. The effort is allegedly adding strain to the already exhaustive reshoots for the big DC superhero movie, although Cavill himself has joked about the whole thing on his Instagram page.
Justice League will be released on November 17.
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