The 'Overwatch' Anniversary Emotes Are Some of Blizzard's Best
Blizzard has finally allowed the heroes of 'Overwatch' to dance.

Blizzard has officially released the latest seasonal event for Overwatch, which celebrates the game’s one-year anniversary. Like every major event available before it, Overwatch Anniversary is filled with new cosmetic customization options for everyone’s favorite heroes, including a new set of legendary skins, voice lines, and the long-awaited dance emotes for each hero in the game – which you’ll be able to obtain from themed loot boxes from now until June 12. This time around, however, be prepared to spend a lot of credits if you’re hoping to unlock everything the anniversary event has to offer.
The most notable additions include the phenomenal new D.Va skin which kicks her back into the 1950s with a greaser outfit and mech. There’s also a new graffiti look for Tracer that goes along well with her Charleston dance emote, and a few new cybernetic skins that give a robotic look to heroes like Hanzo, Zarya, and Soldier: 76. Most important, however, is the Genji Sentai skin, which makes him look like a Kamen Rider. No matter your favorites though, here’s a look at every new unlockable available in the Overwatch Anniversary (apart from voice lines) along with how many credits they’ll cost you to add to your collection.
Bastion's new 'Overwatch' Anniversary skin, Dune Buggy.
Dune Buggy Bastion (Legendary — 3000 credits)
D.Va's new 'Overwatch' Anniversary skin, Cruiser.
Cruiser D.Va (Legendary — 3000 credits)
Genji's new 'Overwatch' Anniversary skin, Sentai.
Sentai Genji (Legendary — 3000 credits)
Hanzo's new 'Overwatch' Anniversary skin, Cyberninja.
Cyberninja Hanzo (Legendary — 3000 credits)
Lucio's new 'Overwatch' Anniversary skin, Jazzy.
Jazzy Lúcio (Legendary — 3000 credits)
Mei's new 'Overwatch' Anniversary skin, Beekeeper.
Beekeeper Mei (Legendary — 3000 credits)
Pharah's new 'Overwatch' Anniversary skin, Bedouin.
Bedouin Pharah (Legendary — 3000 credits)
Soldier: 76's new 'Overwatch' Anniversary skin, Cyborg: 76.
Cyborg: 76 Soldier: 76 (Legendary — 3000 credits)
Symmetra's new 'Overwatch' Anniversary skin, Oasis.
Oasis Symmetra (Legendary — 3000 credits)
Tracer's new 'Overwatch' Anniversary skin, Graffiti.
Graffiti Tracer (Legendary — 3000 credits)
Zarya's new 'Overwatch' Anniversary skin, Cyberian.
Cyberian Zarya (Legendary — 3000 credits)
Dance — Ana (750 credits)
Robo Boogie — Bastion (750 credits)
Dance — D.Va (750 credits)
Dance — Genji (750 credits)
Fisherman Dance — Hanzo (750 credits)
Running Rat — Junkrat (750 credits)
Smooth — Lúcio (750 credits)
Line Dance — McCree (750 credits)
Sunny Dance — Mei (750 credits)
Hustle — Mercy (750 credits)
Dance — Orisa (750 credits)
Rocket Guitar — Pharah (750 credits)
Dance — Reaper (750 credits)
Sweethardt — Reinhardt (750 credits)
Dance — Roadhog (750 credits)
Dance — Soldier: 76 (750 credits)
Dance — Sombra (750 credits)
Dance — Symmetra (750 credits)
Dance — Torbjörn (750 credits)
Charleston — Tracer (750 credits)
Ballet — Widowmaker (750 credits)
Dance — Winston (750 credits)
Dance — Zarya (750 credits)
Dance — Zenyatta (750 credits)