The 'Workaholics' Crew Light Up in Teaser for 'Game Over, Man!'
The Netflix movie isn't due out until 4/20.

Alas, 4/20, the weed holiday, comes but once a year. The good news is that there’s something to look forward to the next time that auspicious date rolls around besides toking up. Netflix has shared the first teaser for Game Over, Man!, an action comedy from the guys behind Workaholics, well ahead of its release on April 20 next year.
The teaser doesn’t reveal much, but it’s a hoot. While wearing white tuxedos, Blake Anderson, Anders Holm, and Adam Devine each use lighters shaped like handguns to light up a joint, looking cool as hell. Well, at least Anderson and Holm do. Devine’s unknowingly holding a real gun, and when he pulls the trigger, it blows the tip of his joint off and scares the crap out of everyone. Things only go downhill from there.
Game Over, Man!, which is named after the late Bill Paxton’s iconic line in Aliens, stars the three actors as a group of friends who are about to get a video game they’re making financed. However, a group of terrorists takes their potential benefactor hostage, and it seems like they have to save the day, which might not be a great idea. The plot has been described as “Die Hard in a hotel.”
Game Over, Man!, which is being produced by Seth Rogen, comes to Netflix on April 20, 2018.