
Pottermore Illustrations Hint at Next 'Fantastic Beasts' Movies

by Lauren Sarner
Warner bros 

Pottermore has unveiled new illustrations for the new edition of the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book. While they’re evocative and fun, the most noteworthy part is that they contain the key to future movies in this five-film franchise.

Among the illustrations are beasts that did not appear onscreen in the first film. Two in particular could bode darkness for future films. Consider the Hidebehind. Pottermore writes, “The tall, silvery Hidebehind is nocturnal and can hide behind almost anything to conceal itself. According to J.K. Rowling, only a witch or wizard is likely to survive an attack from this creature…” In other words, they’re essentially abominable snowman who can turn invisible. Not only would this spell trouble for Newt, but they’re also native to the United States. Although the second movie is moving to Paris, it could mean the story isn’t done with the U.S. in the third or fourth movie.



The other notable fantastic beast is the Wampus Cat, which inspired the titular Ilvermony House. It might look cute, but it’s a wizard killer that has powers of hypnosis and — rather terrifyingly — Legilimency.

It’s a native to Appalacia — which again suggests a return to North America. If Newt and his friends encounter a Wampus Cat, it would screw up their day far more than a cute Niffler.

The Wampus Cat


The new edition of the Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them book is currently out. The second film will be out at an as-of-yet unspecified date.

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