In Game of Thrones Season 7, Maester Marwyn will make his first onscreen appearance, likely aiding Sam Tarly in researching two important subjects: Jon Snow’s true parentage or how to defeat White Walkers. Jim Broadbent, best known for playing Professor Slughorn in the Harry Potter movies, will jump from playing a jovial professor in a world of magic and politics to a jovial professor-type in a world of magic and politics.
Broadbent has confirmed that his rumored mysterious role in Game of Thrones Season 7 will be Maester Marwyn, who is important to Sam Tarly’s plotline at the Citadel. It also has implications on Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen’s storylines.
In the books, Marwyn is an archmaester at the Citadel who is well-travelled and has spent years studying magic. This means that when Sam tells him about the impending White Walker invasion, unlike the Tarly family who scoff at their existence, Marwyn believes him. He’s more open minded about the supernatural than most and has a special curiosity about dragons. After his encounter with Sam at the Citadel, he sets off to find Daenerys and her dragons. That’s where the books last left him.
In the show, his Season 7 storyline likely won’t venture beyond the books just yet, as Broadbent said he shot his scenes in Belfast and was not involved in CGI sequences. That eliminates the possibility that he’ll interact with dragons or White Walkers.
However, it won’t be a bit part either — he’s confirmed that he has major scenes in five episodes. Considering the fact that there are just seven episodes this season, that’s significant indeed. He could aid Sam in researching records that will uncover Jon’s true claim to the throne. If Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen married in secret, chances are the records are at the Citadel.
But most likely, he’ll aid Sam in research that uncovers the key to defeating White Walkers. After all, we know Valyrian steel can defeat them, and Sam didn’t steal his father’s Valyrian steel sword on his way to the Citadel for no reason.
Game of Thrones Season 7 will air in summer 2017.