New 'Justice League' Teaser Puts DC Back on the Right Track
Batman is making jokes. It's a whole new universe.

Surprising the fans in attendance at the infamous Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con, Warner Bros. showed a two-minute preview of Zack Snyder’s Justice League set for release in November 2017. And it’s a lot of fun. Like, a LOT of fun.
There isn’t a heck of a lot of deep comic book stuff going on here. There are some New Gods nods and a quick look at a Mother Box, but the majority of the teaser is on the titular Justice League heroes. Thanks to Batman v Superman, audiences are already familiar with Ben Affleck’s Batman and Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman (who’s getting her own kick-ass movie earlier in 2017), but the teaser gives us a better look at Aquaman (Jason Mamoa), The Flash (Ezra Miller), and Cyborg (Ray Fisher).
But what many didn’t expect, despite reports from earlier set visits, was the sharp and amusing tone Justice League is rocking. It’s still got the machismo attitude and desaturated colors of Dawn of Justice, but it isn’t afraid to have these characters smile or crack jokes.
And it’s not all on Flash, who usually plays the comedic relief in most Justice League stories. Affleck’s Batman also gets in a few one-liners, and his whole exchange with Barry Allen is a winner. From his uber-serious “mission statement” delivery to Barry’s immediate acceptance and “I need friends” line, it’s shit-eating grins all round (Barry, Bruce, everyone watching). While it’s still kind of weird the film’s photography remains bleak and colorless, these characters have never shined brighter.
Warner Bros. will release Justice League on November 2.