'Boaty McBoatface' Leads Public Poll for Name of British Research Ship
Good job, internet!

The British Navy was once the strongest in the world and struck fear into the hearts of any opponent who dared test its might — now one of those ships could be named RRS Boaty McBoatface.
A Royal Research Ship is currently under construction to take on serious research operations in the arctic seas. The ship is under construction at Cammell Laird shipyard on Merseyside and is scheduled to hit the seas in 2019 with the backing of 200 million British Pounds.
The government is incredibly proud of the vessel, stating it will “provide the UK with the most advanced floating research fleet in the world and will help put the UK at the forefront of ocean research for years to come.”
So the government called on the good people they represent to come up with a majestic, triumphant name for this glorious vessel — and the people did not disappoint.
RRS Boaty McBoatface is the current leader in the ship-naming poll, followed by three more appropriate names: RRS Henry Worsley, RRS David Attenborough, and RRS Pillar of Autumn. The poll closes on April 16.
Will this be named Boaty McBoatface?
“Can you imagine one of the world’s biggest research labs travelling to the Antarctic with your suggested name proudly emblazoned on the side?” says Universities & Science Minister Jo Johnson on the contest announcement page. “The polar research ship represents a leap forward in securing Britain’s place as a world leader in marine and climate change science – and illustrates this government’s commitment to invest in research facilities on a record scale.”
Maybe the government should have been more wary of giving this responsibility to the trolls of the internet, but now that this taxpayer-funded project is underway, there’s a responsibility to give the people what they want.
Boaty McBoatface, the "most loved overall" in the poll.
“With the eyes of the world on this ship, this campaign will give everyone across the UK the opportunity to feel part of this exciting project,” says Johnson, and the people have decided that RSS Boaty McBoatfaceis the name to convey that message.
Some other choice options to vote for include RSS It’s Bloody Cold Here, RSS Cold Trouser, RSS Thanks For All The Fish, RSS What Iceberg, and RSS Motörboat.