
John Oliver Sends Peter Jackson a New Zealand Flag Decorated with a Dildo

'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver' returns to HBO with a crazy story about a politician, a sex toy, a tweet, and a fake flag. 

by Liz Tracy
'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver'

After three months off the air, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver returned with some thoughtful messages about voting rights and Chipotle. But then things got a little funny, in the “I’m glad I’m not watching this with my parents” kind of way.

Remember that recent news story on New Zealand’s economic development minister, Steven Joyce, getting hit in the face with a sex toy while being interviewed by reporters? It inspired Oliver to mock up a flag for the country with an image from Joyce’s tale. Last Week then sent the flag to Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson, who waved it high overhead in his homeland.

Oliver has been so obsessed with the South Pacific island in the past that he said they decided to place a “moratorium on discussing New Zealand on this show.” Late 2014, the country was on the lookout for a new “fleg” design, and Oliver reported on the absurd designs a few times.

However, his hand was forced.

The Joyce story hit the news. “New Zealand’s media has taken to calling Steven Joyce ‘Dildo Baggins.’ A play on words which, frankly, should be rewarded the Nobel Prize for Literature,” Oliver joked. Even then, he wasn’t sure they should cover it.

But Joyce, the actual guy who was hit in the face with a dildo, tweeted that someone should just send the tape to Oliver “so we can get it over with.” Someone did and the host obliged with an extensive and mildly perverted bit on that unintended comedic scene.

So with that nickname in mind, Oliver made a sample of a huge and new New Zealand flag featuring the image of Joyce being hit in the face with the sex toy and sent it to Peter Jackson.

“If you want an image that sums up everything great about New Zealand,” Oliver said, “this is your flag right here.”

Cut to a clip of Jackson sweeping the massive thing in the air, against a blue sky, saying, “What do you think of the new dildo flag? … Once again New Zealand punches above its weight.”

Oh, here’s the voting segment: