Stephen Amell Confirms What Arrow Won't Look Like in 'Legends of Tomorrow'
Mesh and glowing arrows? Whatever look this alternate Arrow ends up adopting, it won't be this!

You can always leave it to fans to up the ante when it comes to TV speculation. Not long ago, Arrow star Stephen Amell posted on his Facebook that he had just filmed a guest spot as Oliver Queen in the sixth episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, the crossover show combining second-stringers from Arrow and The Flash into one time-traveling extravaganza. Confirming he had just one arm and the character’s signature goatee for the alternate-reality part, Amell alluded to the hardened Green Arrow from Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns.
That was all fans needed.
Over at the LegendsOfTomorrow subreddit, fan and Melbourne artist BossLogic posted a truly stunning photoshop rendition of Arrow’s Stephen Amell mocked up into Earth-31 Oliver Queen.
Just look at him! He’s got that grizzled look that made him such a badass in Miller’s book, and few could make mesh look heroic.
Unfortunately, Amell ultimately rained on the very parade he started. The social media darling eventually saw the picture and gave it props — before he shot it down as “not at all accurate.” All in the same tweet!
With Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice also borrowing heavily from Frank Miller’s groundbreaking ’80s graphic novel, it seems the Arrowverse has realized that it is the focal point to a wealth of stories and interpretations that are still ripe for the small screen. We can’t wait to see the final costume!