How to use Elemental Reactions to deal maximum damage in Genshin Impact
Master of your domain.

Winning in Genshin Impact is a science. Some of it comes down to luck and pulling strong characters via the gacha system, but playing smart can make up for a lack of flashy five-stars. Knowing how Elemental Reactions work in Genshin Impact can help you make the best choices when it comes to team composition and which party members to choose when facing a specific foe. But some reactions are more powerful than others.
Here’s everything you need to know about Elemental Reactions in Genshin Impact.
What Elemental Reactions are available in Genshin Impact?
A complete Elemental Reactions chart.
As you can see on the above chart, if you combine any two different elements, you’ll usually make a distinct elemental reaction. The exceptions are Anemo and Geo, which will always produce Swirl or Crystalize respectively. You cannot combine Anemo with Geo in any capacity.
Dendro can currently only be produced by enemies and the environment while roaming the world. You cannot currently create any Elemental Reactions with Dendro other than Burning. This will likely change once miHoYo adds a Dendro character to the roster.
What are the Elemental Reactions in Genshin Impact?
- Burning (Dendro + Pyro) - You will deal Pyro damage over time.
- Crystallize (Geo + Cryo/Electro/Hydro/Pyro) - Can create a shield based on the attack used in conjunction with Geo.
- Electro-Charged (Electro + Hydro) - You will deal Electro damage over time.
- Frozen (Hydro + Cryo) - Paralyzes the affected character.
- Melt (Cryo + Pyro) - If you deal damage with Cryo first then Pyro, your damage will be multiplied by two.
- Reverse Melt (Pyro + Cyro) – If you prime the target with Pyro, then deal Cyro, your damage will be multiplied by 1.5.
- Overloaded (Electro + Pyro) - A small explosion that deals damage to the target and those around them.
- Superconduct (Electro + Cryo) - Deals AoE damage and decreases defense.
- Swirl (Anemo + Cryo/Pyro/Electro/Hydro) - Deals extra damage of that element over a wider area. The area of the effect depends on what Anemo attack you used to trigger it.
- Vaporize (Hydro + Pyro) - If you attack with Pyro first then Hyrdo this multiplies damage by two. If you do Hydro then Pyro, the multiplier is only 1.5.
What is Elemental Mastery in Genshin Impact?
The character who performs the second attack will cause the Elemental Reaction. The damage will be determined by the triggering character’s Elemental Mastery stat. For example, if you use the Elemental Burst of Venti to combine his Swirl effect with a lingering element, the reactions will scale off Venti’s Elemental Mastery. The higher your Elemental Mastery, the more damage Venti’s Swirl will deal.
Two enemies with elements in their weapons.
How do Elemental Reactions work with enemy attacks in Genshin Impact?
Your character isn’t the only one who can apply elements to enemies. They can also run into overworld elements. For example, if you and an enemy are fighting in shallow water, that foe will have a wet status effect from simply standing in the water. This will be considered the first effect. Whatever element you use to attack them will be considered the second effect.
This same logic works if you encounter a character like an Abyss Herald who already has an active elemental effect, like a barrier. If they have a Hydro barrier, any elemental attack you make will be considered the second effect. If you use Cryo, they’ll be frozen. If you attack with Electro, they’ll be Electro-Charged
What characters can enhance Elemental Reactions in Genshin Impact?
If you want to get more bang for your buck, you can utilize specific characters like Fischl, Kazuha, Qiqi, Keqing, and Sucrose. Each has Talents or Constellations that will further improve the effectiveness of any Elemental Reaction triggered.
Venti in Genshin Impact, using his Elemental Burst.
What are Elemental Resonances in Genshin Impact?
In addition to the interactive Elemental Reactions in Genshin Impact, you can also experience Elemental Resonances. These are passive bonuses applied to characters in your party when it’s full.
There are currently two types of Elemental Resonances – one that activates when you have two characters of the same element in your party, and one that activates when everyone in your party uses a different element.
What are all the Elemental Resonances in Genshin Impact?
There are currently five Elemental Resonances available:
Enduring Rock (Geo + Geo) – Increases shield strength by 15 percent. characters protected by a shield will have the following special characteristics: damage dealt increased by 15 percent, dealing damage to enemies will decrease their Geo resistance by 20 percent for 15 seconds.
Fervent Flames (Pyro + Pyro) – Affected by Cryo for 40 percent less time. Increases attack by 25 percent.
Soothing Waters (Hydro + Hydro) – Affected by Pyro for 40 percent less time. Increases incoming healing by 30 percent.
Impetuous Winds (Anemo + Anemo) – Decreases Stamina Consumption by 15 percent. Increases Movement SPD by 10 percent. Shortens Skill cooldown by five percent.
High Voltage (Electro + Electro) – Affected by Hydro for 40 percent less time. Superconduct, Overloaded, and Electro-Charged have a 100 percent chance to generate an Electro Elemental Particle. This has a five-second cooldown
Shattering Ice (Cryo + Cryo) – Affected by Electro for 40 percent less time. Increases critical rate against enemies that are Frozen or affected by Cryo by 15 percent.
Protective Canopy (Any four unique elements) – All Elemental and Physical damage resistance plus 15 percent.
How do Elemental Reactions and Resonances affect team building in Genshin Impact?
Try to build your team the best you can around Elemental Reactions that would put your team at an advantage. If you’re relying on a singular DPS, you should try to bolster what they can do with Elemental Resonance.
There’s no single best team for every situation, but a basic knowledge of how elements work in the game should be in your back pocket any time you enter the fray in Genshin Impact.
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