The Flash: Running to Stand Still
Zoom, Captain Cold, Weather Wizard and The Trickster are all in town, just in time for Christmas in Central City.

Barry Allen is The Flash: a superhero whose only been around for about a year, yet has engendered a plethora of super-villain enemies. Here’s who came gunning for Flash this week, as well as the introduction of a new character straight from the DC Comics Universe:
Iris gives her father a "Flash" toy, on the CW show "The Flash."
It’s Christmas time in Central City, and apparently Flash toys are all the rage.
The Weather Wizard, on the CW show "The Flash."
The Weather Wizard is back in town.
Captain Cold, on the CW show "The Flash."
So is Captain Cold.
The Trickster, on the CW show "The Flash."
And Luke Skyw…The Joke…The Trickster returns.
Iris West, on the CW show "The Flash."
Iris reveals she has a brother…
Wally West, on the CW show "The Flash."
…WALLY WEST! (In the comic book universe, Wally West becomes Kid Flash, and eventually—The Flash!)
Explosive dreidels, set to kill The Flash, on the CW show "The Flash."
Flash goes after the bad guys—Trickster’s ready with C4 dreidels…
The Trickster, dressed as a mall Santa, gives out bombs wrapped as presents on the CW show "The Flash."
…and, dressed as a mall Santa, gives kids in Central City bombs as presents.
The Flash, getting struck by lightning thrown by the Weather Wizard, on the CW show "The Flash."
Flash gets zapped while fighting the Wizard and the Trickster. (Captain Cold bows out, getting ready for Legends of Tomorrow no doubt.)
Zoom threatens Harry, on the CW show "The Flash."
Flash gets his rogues under wraps, and don’t worry, he makes sure those Trickster bomb presents don’t blow up any kids…but in the meanwhile, Zoom “explains” to Harry he’s looking to increase the Speed Force in Barry, so he can take that speed…and that Harry has to help.
Looks like Barry’s in trouble…but we’ll have to wait until January 19, 2016 to see what’s next, when The Flash returns with a new episode.