
A Fan's Genius Wikipedia Edit Got Him Backstage at a Peking Duk Concert

Security guards learn not to believe everything you read online.

by Sam Blum
Peking Duk's Facebook page

Sneaking past security at concert venues traditionally requires some sort of theatrical flare or subtlety. An interloper either has to run, to sneak, or to blend in with a crowd to get backstage access.

Or you can change a band’s Wikipedia page to say that you’re related to its members, as a fan of electro-duo Peking Duk did Wednesday at a concert in Melbourne, Australia.

David Spargo whipped out his phone to show security his crafty edit to the band’s page, which listed him as “family” of members Adam Hyde and Reuben Styles.

Then he went backstage and had beers with the band.

“It was probably the most genius, mastermind move that I’ve ever witnessed,” Hyde told The Guardian. “It’s crazy. He just did it on the spot, in a second on his phone.”

The band’s feelings on Spargo, whom Hyde lauded as an “absolute legend,” were reflected in a tweet sent out Wednesday night. The band used a meme from the movie Anchorman to express wonderment at Spargo’s hijinks, and included a screenshot of his edit to their Wikipedia.

After he and the band had effectively bro-ed out backstage, Spargo shared some gratitude on the group’s Facebook page after the concert, saying “Thanks for the evening lads,” to more than 2,000 likes.