Control the Weather in Your Bedroom With This Gadget From Japan
Tempescope is launching a crowdfunding campaign to bring this weather box to market.

If you’ve long felt powerless to the forces of nature, and have often pondered what it’s like to control weather like a demented wand-wielding sorcerer, look no further than Tempescope to answer all of your meteorological prayers.
According to the product’s website, Tempescope, a product from Tokyo-based software engineer Ken Kawamoto, is an ambient “physical display that visualizes various weather conditions like rain, clouds, and lightning” by plugging in forecasts from the internet. It is small, but it is also wondrous and volatile — mother nature as lava lamp.
Check out Tempescope below in all of its rainy, cloudy, and snow-blanketed majesty.
Neat, right? Tempescope can literally bring rain, sleet, hail and snow into your home without getting a damn thing wet! Plus given its GPS capabilities, you can transport the weather from another location into your bedroom, or take cues as to how to prepare for the elements before you leave the house. Weather apps are so 2013.