
'Infinity War' Star Defends the Dumbest Character in the Movie

by James Grebey

Listen, we’ve all had our emotions get the best of us, and those outbursts probably lead to some regrettable outcomes. However, none of us have ever been so overwhelmed that we made a rash mistake that ended with 50 percent of the population of the entire universe dying. When Star-Lord lost his temper during a crucial moment in Avengers: Infinity War, he did just that, and many Marvel fans now hate the hero for ruining the heroes best and only shot to stop Thanos. Chris Pratt, who plays the Guardian of the Galaxy’s leader, is trying to stand up for his film self.

“Look — the guy watched his mother die, he watched as his father-figure died in his arms, he was forced to kill his own biological father,” Pratt told RadioTimes, referencing the events of Guardians of the Galaxy and the sequel, vol. 2. “And now has suffered the loss of the love of his life.

“So I think he reacted in a way that’s very human, and I think the humanity of the Guardians of the Galaxy is what sets them apart from other superheroes,” he continued. “I think if we did it a hundred times I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Pratt’s defense is, for what it’s worth, pretty much the same as Inverse’s own defense of Star-Lord’s stupid, stupid actions. But, the fact that Star-Lord’s freak-out if very much in-character does not make the unfortunate timing of his impotent Thanos beat-down any better, nor does it negate the disastrous outcome.

“And also, I blame Thanos, okay?” Pratt added, raising a good point. “Jeez, how come he’s not getting any blame?”