Disney Should Really Consult These #UnlikelyStarWarsSpinoffs Ideas

The Han Solo origin movie doesn’t premiere for another year, but Star Wars fans are already eagerly debating the subject of the franchise’s next spinoff. Well, if Disney is planning a traditional film — say, an Obi-Wan or Boba Fett backstory — they’re not thinking enough outside the box. They should instead consult Twitter’s trending hashtag #UnlikelyStarWarsSpinoffs.
Fans exercised their creative juices and reached for the worst (read: best) possible puns as the term began trending on Monday, seemingly after the user @TheUnlikelyGame suggested the idea: “Young Han Solo… We can do better…. let’s play #UnlikelyStarWarsSpinoffs.”
The hashtag has surfaced before: It was floating around in honor of Star Wars Day — i.e. May the Fourth (be with you) — in 2015, but didn’t trend heavily then.
Most of these new tweets were delightfully ridiculous puns on existing movies and TV shows:
Others were suggestions for films that no self-respecting fan would want to see. Obviously, these were mostly an opportunity to bash Jar Jar Binks:
Some ideas were bewildering but strangely compelling:
The Han Solo movie will premiere May 25, 2018. And after that, maybe “Teenage Mutant Jedi Turtles”? Disney, any thoughts?