
All the '80s Easter Eggs in the 'Ready Player One' Trailer

Plus a ton of other '80s easter eggs.

Steven Spielberg’s big screen adaptation of the novel Ready Player One was bound to have references to other sci-fi franchises. The premise of the novel puts citizens of the future in an online virtual reality system called the Oasis; which is based mostly on 1980s pop culture. In the book, everything from Star Wars to John Hughes movies are relived and reappropriated. And it looks like the movie version is going to be exactly the same. And yes, there is a flying DeLorean from Back to the Future in the trailer. Twice.

Because Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan) will exist in the Oasis for most of the movie, the pop culture references started coming quick in the trailer. We spotted the Iron Giant, Freddy Krueger getting blasted by a laser, a light cycle from Tron, the bike from Akira, and Marty McFly’s sick flying time machine from Back to the Future. Here’s the relevant images.

The Iron Giant!

Yeah, that's Freddy Kruger about to get zapped right there.

The first shot of the DeLorean.

The shot toward the end when the DeLorean just finishes hovering.

The bike from 'Akira'

Here’s the full trailer:

Ready Player One hits theaters on March 30, 2018.

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