Did Felicity Die in the 'Arrow' Finale? Many Fans Hope So
Anti-Olicity fans are brutal.

In the final episodes of Season 5, Arrow did all it could to rebuild romantic tension between its two leads. Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak (a character invented for the TV show) have been an on-again, offagain couple for several seasons, but the tail end of Season 5 saw them flirting, helping each other out of dangerous situations, and bringing up the idea of giving their courtship another shot. Felicity even planned Oliver’s birthday party, staring up at him with big doe-eyes. In Season 5’s last scene, however, the island of Lian Yu goes up in flames, and Oliver can only watch smoke build from the safety of a boat and wonder whether Deathstroke was able to get Felicity to safety.
Fans opposed to Oliver and Felicity ending up together are typically comic book purists; DC’s Green Arrow has always been linked to Black Canary. Even DC Creative Chief Geoff Johns deeply respects their canon union — he redefined the characters in Rebirth as being pulled together without knowing why, making Green Arrow and Black Canary’s love DC’s central romantic end game. However, on The CW’s Arrow, Oliver dates his way through several women, including the now-dead Black Canary, a couple boring stand-ins, and Greg Berlanti’s original character, Felicity.
Felicity in Season 5
If Felicity was killed in the Season 5 finale, that would mean two big things for Arrow: first, fans would get to watch a superhero show not bogged down by flimsy romantic sub-plots. Second, Felicity’s death would drive a monstrous wedge between Deathstroke and Oliver, who only became tenuous buddies recently, after seasons of fighting while mutually respecting each other.
When Adrian shot himself, causing the Lian Yu explosions, fans watching Arrow on Twitter reacted in two different ways regarding Felicity.
Some were heartbroken.
Others were psyched, and practically danced on Felicity’s hypothetical grave.
Arrow will return to The CW for Season 6 at an unannounced date. The fate of Felicity Smoak has yet to be revealed.