
Disney's Star Wars Land Introduces a New Planet to the Galaxy

by Corey Plante
Disney Parks Blog

Your dreams of tasting blue milk with your fellow nerf herders might soon become a reality when you visit the brand new planet that’s just become part of Star Wars canon. The recently announced theme park expansion coming from a galaxy far, far away — unofficially titled “Star Wars Land” — will be set in an entirely new location in the galaxy. You’ll be able to go there yourself to taste that delicious blue milk, aka Bantha milk.

Though no name or specific locations have been mentioned, the Disney Parks Blog teased that the location is “somewhere on the Outer Rim — lying on the edge of the Unknown Regions.” This area of the Star Wars galaxy lies to the Galactic West, and it’s worth noting that Starkiller Base originated in the Unknown Regions. Thankfully, the galaxy is a big place, and this particular locale doesn’t see a lot of traffic — that is, until now.

“The remote village was once a busy crossroads along the old sub-lightspeed trade routes,” the site explains, “but the prominence of the outpost has been bypassed with the rise of hyperspace travel” which ultimately makes it “a thriving port for smugglers, rogue traders and adventurers” looking to unwind and blow off some steam.

Yes, there will be a Cantina!

Disney Parks Blog

The blog also notes, “It’s also a convenient safe-haven for others intent on avoiding the expanding reach of the First Order,” which firmly places the park in the era of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.

Check out the announcement video here:

You can “live your Star Wars adventure in 2019” when the park opens at both Disney Land in California and Disney World in Florida.

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