
Here's the 'Doctor Who' Definition of "Weeping Angel"

When the starship Byzantium crashed on the planet Alfava Metraxis, the Time Lord know as the Doctor discovered that even the images of his nefarious foes, the Weeping Angels, could prove deadly — and though this plot from Doctor Who sounds a little silly, the recently released Vault 7 WikiLeaks CIA report alleges that the CIA basically has real-life Weeping Angels.

In the reality of Doctor Who, the Weeping Angels are aliens existing in the form of statues who feed on the potential energy of their victims. They “kill” by sending people back in time, essentially erasing the possibility of that person having a productive future. The Weeping Angels also insidiously appear to be inactive statuesuntil you look away. Once you blink, they’ve got you. In their first episode — aptly titled “Blink” — the Doctor barely managed to escape their clutches, and after the crash of the Byzantium, the Weeping Angels eventually screwed the Doctor really hard in the episode “The Angels Take Manhattan.” After catching up with the TARDIS in 2012, the Weeping Angels mercilessly zapped the Doctor’s buddies, Amy Pond and Rory Williams, back into an undisclosed moment in the past, effectively killing them.

Here’s where the real-world CIA similarities come in: According to the Vault 7 report, the CIA is able to hack certain devices to make them seem inactive, when these devices are in fact, actively recording information. These devices would be in a “‘Fake-Off’ mode,” WikiLeaks claims. “The owner falsely believes the TV is off when it is on.” So, if the WikiLeaks information is true, then the CIA could be spying on you when you’re not looking, advancing slowly, just out of the corner of your eye, sapping away the energy of your life.

One could take comfort in the fact that the Doctor eventually defeated the Weeping Angels, as he does so many of his enemies. But the fact is: both in Doctor Who and the real world, the Weeping Angels are still at large.

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