The 1966 Batman TV series is reviled by edgelords who think the show was stupid and that the only true good Batman is a dark and edgy one. What people tend to forget is that everyone making the corny as hell Batman show was in on the joke. It was intentionally goofy, and now the original Batman, Adam West, is going to appear in a modern-day DC show that’s also funny on purpose.
West, who might be more familiar to contemporary audiences as the mayor on Family Guy, is going to appear on the DC superhero sitcom Powerless, Warner Bros. revealed on Tuesday. He, sadly, won’t be playing Batman, who hasn’t technically appeared on the show yet. Instead, West will play Dean West, chairman of Wayne Industries.
According to a press release, West’s big time executive will pay a visit to Emily Locke (Vanessa Hudgens) and Van Wayne (Alan Tudyk) after an attack on Gotham to deliver some bad news about their superhero defense subsidiary, Wayne Security.
So, he won’t be playing Batman or Bruce Wayne, which is fine, since there will no doubt be plenty of nods to his past role as the Caped Crusader. Still, if West doesn’t do the Batsui, we riot.
The Batsui.
West’s appearance is the latest in a string of fun, winking nods to the history of superhero TV shows. Over on The CW, Supergirl recently cast Lynda Carter and Teri Hatcher on for small but memorable parts. The two played Wonder Woman in the 1970s TV show and Lois Lane in the mid-‘90s series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.