'Logan' Director Says He's Game to Make a Solo X-23 Movie

When Logan comes out, it’ll be the end of an era. The film is supposedly longtime X-Men actor Hugh Jackman’s final performance as the iconic character, but it might not be the last we see of Wolverine. See, in the current Marvel comics, X-23 is the one wearing the Wolverine mantle. Perhaps that’s why Logan director James Mangold is interested in making a follow-up movie starring the young mutant.
Mangold was speaking with We Got This Covered when they asked if he was interested in making any other comic book-inspired movies in the future. He responded by remarking on how much he liked Dafne Keen, the actress who plays X-23 in Logan.
“I think Dafne is incredible in the film, and I would love to see another film about that character and that’s certainly something I’d be involved in,” he said. “For me, that was one of the big additions I brought to the table, this decision to try to make the film about family and to try to insert Laura.”
Laura as Wolverine in Marvel's comics.
Of course, Mangold saying he would love to see another movie about X-23 is several hundred steps short of there actually being any such movie in the works. We all want things.
So, don’t hold your breath waiting for a solo X-23 movie, but it is nice to know that Mangold thinks the character is worthy of a standalone flick.