'Pokemon GO' Gets in the Spirit With Valentine's Day Event
The latest event in 'Pokémon GO' is all about candy, catches, and lures.

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, Niantic has released their next official event for Pokémon GO that’s built for trainers looking to get out and work on their Pokémon collection with their significant other to celebrate.
Available starting today, Pokémon GO’s Valentine’s Day event doubles the amount of Candy players earn every time they catch, hatch, and transfer a Pokémon in-game so that they can build up a stock for faster evolutions. They will also be able to find Candy for their Buddy Pokémon twice as fast too, making Valentine’s Day the perfect time to get a few extra evolutions in for the rarest Pokémon in their collection.
During the Valentine’s Day celebration, players have a greater chance of encountering Clefable, Chansey, and additional pink Pokémon out in the wild. Rare hatches like Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Smoochum will also be easier to come by when hatching Eggs. And to help meet a few new Pokémon, Niantic has also increased Lure Module duration to six hours during the event; that’s up from the standard 30-minute duration.
Pokémon GO’s Valentine’s Day celebration is a limited-time event running from 11:00 a.m. PST on February 8 until 11:00 a.m. PST on February 15 next week. So if you’re interested in catching a few holiday-themed Pokémon, make sure to do so before the event ends.