Deathstroke Wants Dark Liquor Before A Fight In Issue #2 Preview
'Deathstroke' Rebirth #2 follows Batman's oncoming foe as he solves multiple kidnapping cases.

When Ben Affleck released a short, soundless clip of Deathstroke on Facebook, later clarifying that the footage was from his upcoming Batman solo film, comic book fans went nuts reading up on DC’s ultra violent assassin. DC Rebirth launched its Deathstroke title around the same time, pouring hot oil on the embers already forming in its fandom. Now, the character Christopher Priest is currently writing is back with a second Rebirth issue. He’s still, as Priest says, “a villain. Period. He is a bad guy who does bad things. He has his own warped code of ethics, but by and large he is just a villain.”
In the exclusive Deathstroke: Rebirth #2 preview below, it’s unclear whether Deathstroke has anything to do with a young boy’s tearful kidnapping, but one thing’s for sure: Slade Wilson is going to down a shot of dark booze and figure out what the hell happened to Wintergreen. Priest says Deathstroke does have family and friends, and we see those characters represented in the current comic, but he adds that Slade’s inner code of ethics is warped, and that at his core, he is a killer. Deathstroke is written here, again, by Christopher Priest, with art from Jason Paz and Carlo Pagulayan.
Deathstroke: Rebirth #2 hits comic book stands on September 14.