
Mesmerizing "Draw Your Blade" VR Game Lets You Create Your Own Weapons

Draw Your Blade is currently a prototype, but one you can already download.

by Kastalia Medrano

A prototype for a VR game released this week lets you create your weapons in real time and use them to fight. The single-player “Draw Your Blade” program — also going by the name “Free Blades”” —from game developer Gama allows you to use your jagged, shard-like creations to fight “seven waves of enemies spawning all around you.”

On Reddit, user itsgama suggested that as they continue to develop the design, improvements could include audio clues that help the user determine which direction an enemy is coming from, as well as finding the “good balance between the difficulty and the size of the blade you can make.” Future designs will also include more enemies for you to hack at. Armor might be on the horizon, but for now the focus will be mostly on the weapons (the prototype in its current form does include some pretty rad shields though).

The virtual reality prototype uses the much-talked-about headset from HTC Vive; that design came out in April (though it was unveiled at HTC’s Mobile World Congress a year ago) and incorporates motion-tracked hand-held controllers, as well as a screen for each eye and a front-facing camera, meaning you can overlay your new virtual world right over your real one.

It allows you to move unobstructed around a room while simultaneously tracking all of your movements. Unfortunately, it will also run you nearly $800. Still, it’s in heavy demand — more than 100 games are expected to use the format.