
New Hampshire Weather Observers Discover That Yes, 100 MPH Winds Will Make You Fly

Maybe don't try this on an ice covered cliff next time.

by Jack Crosbie
Mt. Washington Observatory

It was pretty windy at the Mount Washington Observatory in New Hampshire on Monday — scientists there recorded winds whistling through at 109 miles per hour. That’s the empirical way of measuring it, but weather observers Mike Dorfman and Tom Padham decided that looking at read-outs from finely tuned scientific experiments was kinda boring, so they decided to go up to the roof and jump around a little. And by a little I mean a lot, because the wind tossed them around like rag dolls on the Observatory’s ice-covered observation deck.

Dressed in a heavy parka (apparently “spring” is a foreign concept in New Hampshire), Dorfman (or possibly Padham) was able to fully sit down in a wind-chair, levitate a few feet off of the ground, and get tossed across the deck on his ass by the power of mother nature.

For some perspective, 109 mph winds are often found in category two hurricanes. So yeah, there’s a certain thrill that comes from extreme weather, but in general if the wind is in triple digits nobody is going to be having a good time.

Still, for observers on a remote mountain observatory, getting to play around in a natural occurrence that in other places (with more trees and debris) could totally kill you is probably pretty fun. Watch the video below:

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