
Abbi and Ilana Seriously Consider Eating a Pudgy Infant in 'Broad City'

In "Getting There," Abbi and Ilana predictably encounter various obstacles on their way to the airport. 

by Ethan Jacobs
Comedy Central/Broad City

The last few episodes of Broad City have been more drama filled than usual, but “Getting There” finds Abbi (Abbi Jacobson) and Ilana (Ilana Glazer) sprinting away from their New York-based problems as they rush to catch a flight to Israel for their Birthmark trip, an expense-free trip for Jews. Abbi, the highly-organized and punctual half of the friendship, has her Drew Barrymore-endorsed suitcase packed and ready to go on time, but Ilana predictably wakes up late and recruits Jaimé to help her throw miscellaneous items in a suitcase.

Ilana makes it on time to the subway car where she’s supposed to meet Abbi, but an accident at the station ahead delays the train for an indefinite amount of time. Ilana then realizes she forgot her passport at home, so by the time the train starts moving again, they’ll have to get off anyway to go retrieve it. In the meantime, they play a game of Marry, Fuck, Eat, pretending they are trapped on the train for the rest of their lives. Ilana decides she would fuck a strait-laced suited man Mad Men style, Abbi hears wedding bells with the sophisticated older woman reading a copy of The New Yorker, and both agree they would eat the baby in the stroller next to them, starting with its chubby cheeks or butt.

Abbi and Ilana in the backseat of a 15-year-old's taxi

Comedy Central/Broad City

Once the train starts moving again, Abbi and Ilana hop off in Queens to find a cab to drive them back to Ilana’s apartment so they can scoop up her passport and then head straight to the airport. They get a ride from the 15-year-old son of a proper cab driver, who recklessly drives by Ilana’s apartment to complete the passport handoff from a rollerblading Jaimé. They encounter some typical airport hurdles, including a close encounter with a drug dog and a very inconvenient gate change, but they make it on their flight just seconds before the gate closes. The Birthmark leader (Seth Green) assigns them to seats that are on opposite sides of the cabin, and the episode ends with “To Be Continued” as Ilana and Abbi mouth to each other “I miss you” from across the aisles.

The stakes may have been high in “Getting There,” but the episode’s plot was a refreshing break from the drama that has seeped into Broad City in the last few episodes. If you remember, Abbi and Ilana’s friendship was briefly strained by some love-related antics that weren’t exactly typical of Broad City’s often screwball tone. Lincoln broke up with Ilana because he wasn’t comfortable with the open relationship she had forced on him, while Abbi started to develop feelings for Trey that confused her, leading her to hide them from Ilana. All of that drama culminated in last week’s episode, which made the friendship-centric “Getting There” a totally appropriate throwback to Ilana’s and Abbi’s classic antics.

Ilana and Abbi on the plane right after they meet their trip leader (Seth Green)

Comedy Central/Broad City

While “Getting There” provided a much-needed break in the heavier emotion, there’s one aspect of that drama that probably won’t get resolved soon, considering the next episode is the season finale and will take place on the plane to Israel: Abbi’s and Trey’s relationship. Some of Abbi’s best comedic bits may stem from her unrelenting bad luck with men, but the unexpected consolation she found in Trey signaled an enticing restructuring of Broad City’s plot. In “Getting There” she briefly mentions that Trey has been scheduling his shifts at the gym to avoid Abbi, but nothing else happens in “Getting There” to further that plot line. Abbi’s bad luck with men is nearing a point of exhaustion, but the Trey story arc was a timely refresher. It looks like we may have to wait until next season to get resolution on the Trey-Abbi front, though.

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