
'Master of None' Gets a Second Season

Aziz Ansari announced on Twitter that his Netflix dramedy will return in 2017.

Aziz Ansari announced via Twitter today that his dramedy, Master of None, was picked up for a second season, which will premiere next year. The update is not a surprise, given that the show was received with vast critical appeal, but it’s good news all the same. The New York Times called the show “the year’s best comedy,” and said it was difficult to pick a single best episode in the series. Each epsiode addressed a different social topic — ranging from ethnic diversity on television to the immigrant experience — until the show centered on its lead, Dev, and his girlfriend navigating their new relationship, before drawing to a surprising close.

It’s exciting to see such a sensitive show, which nailed wearing its heart on its sleeve and lampooning several of the tired cliches in romantic comedies, receiving widespread acclaim. In the second season, we’re hoping to see gentle giant Eric Wareheim, who directed four episodes of the show, inject more of his signature zaniness into the plot.