DC Films Presents: 'Dawn of the Justice League'
A new 'Suicide Squad' trailer leads the advertised tease avalanche of upcoming cinematic DC properties.

The CW TV Network and director Kevin Smith just hit DC Comics fans with teases and tidbits via the special DC Films Presents: Dawn of the Justice League —here’s a Barry Allen-fast recap:
Trailer for Suicide Squad. It speaks for itself.
First look at Wonder Woman :
Concept art for Justice League, which already made its way to Twitter today:
Diehard fans may note: No Green Lantern? Not in the JL, but co-host Geoff Johns does confirm that a Green Lantern Corps film is, well, greenlit.
Aquaman, Flash, and Cyborg are further examined. (Good to know: Ezra Miller, playing Flash, has a relatively normal haircut in his interview moment, likely deflating rumors that Miller’s formerly long locks would end up flowing out of his Flash cowl.)
Even diehard-er fans may lament that there’s no Martian Manhunter here, but…
Supergirl (left) and the Martian Manhunter practice flight on the CBS TV show "Supergirl."
…he is getting a ton of shine on Supergirl.
The cinematic version of The Flash.
The cinematic version of The Flash.
The theatrical cavalcade of DC films begins March 25, 2016 with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, followed by Suicide Squad (August 5, 2016), Wonder Woman (June 23, 2017) and the first Justice League film (2017).