
2015's Most Astounding TV Cliffhangers, and How They'll Likely Be Resolved

'Game of Thrones,' 'Gotham,' 'The Walking Dead,' and 'How to Get Away with Murder' have some explaining to do.

by Emily Gaudette

Consider yourself spoiler-warned.

Game of Thrones

In the final moments of last season, the men of the Night’s Watch stabbed Jon Snow to death, leaving him in a pool of his own blood. Amateurs (that is, so-called fans who aren’t well read in Westeros lore) launched campaigns online to assure each other that Ned Stark’s bastard son was indeed still alive, or at the very least would be resurrected. Book fans are pretty sure he’s here to stay, for several reasons.

Resurrection, in fact, at the hands of the Red Woman, Melisandre, has become the most popular fan theory for Jon’s fate in Season 6. The writers were sure to place Melisandre back at the wall just before Jon’s death in Season 5, which was a departure from her location in the books. She is also, assumedly, fully charged with whatever evil energy she got from killing Stannis’ adorable daughter, and is looking for a new royal-blooded man to worship now that Stannis is dead.

But that’s the key right there: Jon Snow is of royal blood, making him not just the rightful King in the North, but giving him a pretty respectable claim to Iron Throne. Fans of the books have long subscribed to the theory that Jon’s birth parents were actually Ned’s sister Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen — this would explain why Ned refused to defend himself to his wife and his compatriots when bringing baby Jon home, although it seems way out of character for Ned Stark, Morality Police, to have had an affair.

This theory, known online as R+L=J, would also mean Jon has a more potent claim to the Iron Throne than his aunt, Daenerys. It would also explain the easy bond he forged with Tyrion Lannister in the first season. Remember when the two of them discussed dragons and feeling rejected? That’s a signifier for Tyrion and Jon joining their blood relative Daenerys as the final two heads of the rumored three-headed dragon that will take back Westeros. This theory, of course, includes that Tyrion is not the son of Tywin Lannister, but the son of the Mad King. Tywin may have meant it when he uttered his last words: “You are not my son.” Wraps up nicely, right?

Rick and Morty

Season 2 of Rick and Morty ended with the return of Mr. Poopy Butthole, who verbalized some of the relevant audience questions following Rick’s incarceration.

Season 3 will probably see the Smith children breaking Rick out of space jail, but the show has a couple larger issues to contend with as well. First of all, Rick needs to be absolved of his political crimes, and Tammy needs to be brought to justice. As far as the multiverse is concerned, Rick is still not aware of the One True Morty, or what might be happening to he and Morty’s alter egos, in a cosmic scene. It’s all very confusing, but the smart writing in Season 2 makes it easy to predict a deft Season 3.

How to Get Away with Murder


Well, it looks like Wes (sorry, Christophe) was the one who shot Annalise. We now know that he’s related to Annalise and Eve somehow, but that still needs to be explained. We’re also not sure who killed Christophe’s mother, which seems important.

Predicting plot-lines in Shondaland is damn near impossible, but what makes her shows great is that any character is capable of anything. Shonda & Co are not tied to believability, and thus their cliffhangers tend to be completely off the wall bonkers.

The Walking Dead


We’re in for some serious, gory trouble when TWD picks back up after its winter hibernation. The show ended its mid-season finale while the survivors were attempting to sneak past a crowd of walkers, so here’s hoping the premiere will pick up from that very moment Sam called out for his mother.

In the comics, Jessie has only one son, who is bitten and killed just after calling out for his mother in the matching scenario. A small event in the full scheme of things, but still pretty brutal. Anyone following TWD production news is now aware that Negan is imminent, which doesn’t suggest a great time for viewers, or Glenn. Negan is a departure from TWD’s play with morals; he is not the handsome and conflicted Governor, capable of atrocities but also capable of human love. Negan is a monster down to his core, and his arrival in TWD will enhance the show’s relationship with pain. In short, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

The Americans


The Americans wrapped its third season with a lovely and thrilling turn of events. Just as Philip began to tell Elizabeth he didn’t want to be a Russian spy anymore, their daughter Paige confessed her parents’ treason to the family pastor. All of this occurred while President Reagan denounced the Soviet Union as an “Evil Empire” on television.

This promises to create more than one divide in the show’s central family. Although no spoilers have appeared online regarding Philip and Elizabeth, the show’s creator promises honest communication between Martha and Clark in Season 4. The show’s fourth season being set in 1983 means “The Day After” will most likely make an appearance, and American paranoia will only be enhanced.

Gotham: Rise of the Villains


Oh, Gotham. What a messy ride through the first half of Season 2. The winter finale gave us a partnership between Jim Gordon and Penguin, and promised revenge after the show’s hiatus from Captain Nathaniel Barnes.

The February half-season premiere promises new villains, and the show’s promotional art is really hinting at the introduction of Mr. Freeze, who appeared in the finale. In the first half of Season 2, we saw bodies being transported to a laboratory, which fans believe belongs to Dr. Strange. Whatever’s happening in that lab may be able to bring Jerome (the show’s proto-Joker) back to life, which is exciting. Surely a Gotham-based television show wouldn’t toss out Batman’s most infamous villain so quickly.

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