The Indian Army Has Released Epic Videos to Drum up New Recruits
'We are India's most exciting workplace and we are making you an offer.'
Like drones and video games? The Indian Army wants you!
That’s the message of one of the videos in a series of new recruitment videos.
“People think techies are chained to their desks — not me,” says the featured army guy. “I run UAVs — you know, drones. I have to say it’s pretty awesome.”
If you believe what you see, the Indian Army looks pretty damn cool. Check out this badass Indian woman who boasts that her job lets her play with technology and go ice climbing:
Of course, if the Indian Army was as amazing as these videos make it look, it probably wouldn’t have a personnel shortfall of more than 52,000.
These videos appear to be fighting an image problem as much as a recruitment problem. The shortage of officers in particular is linked to high rates of soldier stress, leading to lawsuits and suicides. This study found ineffective leadership, unsupportive colleagues, and insufficient training as key stress factors in the army culture.
Will these videos convince the Indian public to give the army another shot? With a pitch like this, chances are pretty good.