We Can't Stop Looking at All These Creepy Creatures on NASA's Cameras
Arachnophobes beware.

In honor of Halloween, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center just posted some of their spookiest photos ever: terrestrial creepy-crawlies getting in the way of celestial exploration.
Late on October 30, 2015, the Huntsville, Alabama-based research facility released a bunch of photos of animals obstructing NASA’s camera and telescope lenses.
Spoiler alert, spiders love hanging out on telescopes.
Researchers even caught a “scramblin’ spider” on video.
Arachnids weren’t the only creatures that NASA found on their equipment. A couple of birds found their way into the spotlight — albeit at a very odd angle for viewers.
Owl on NASA lens
Bird on a NASA lens
The best part may be that all of the photos have adorably punny captions — like “A Haunting We Will Go” and “Who Goes There?” — that you know someone at NASA spent some time on. We love seeing the majesty of the universe, but it’s shots like these that bring us back to Earth with a few laughs.