
Kosovo Politician Fills Parliament With Smoke Bomb

Kosovo politician Albin Kurti is making things very uncomfortable for his opponents.

by Nick Lucchesi

The leader of the Self-Determination party in the disputed territory of Kosovo got back to his activist roots on Thursday: He kicked around a smoke bomb in the parliamentary hall and loudly blew a whistle.

The politician, Albin Kurti, is fighting to keep Kosovo independent, and his party members are angry over what they view as the parliament’s acceptance of a deal they think will lead to the unification of Serbia and Kosovo.

Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in 2008. As well as Serbia, Russia has long declared its intention to block Kosovo from joining the United Nations.

Here’s Kurti throwing the gas canister here while loudly blowing a deafening referee’s whistle.

Watch as smoky gas fills the room and lawmakers slowly exit. Warning, this video is loud: