7 Highest Rated Smart Bulbs on Amazon Right Now
These are the best smart bulbs on Amazon for every price range.

Smart bulbs are one of the easiest ways to liven up your home. They’re also the best first item for any smart home, as you’re essentially forced to use them. While you may have heard of Philips Hue or LIFX, you may not want to shell out the cash for the expensive bulbs, but these two brands certainly aren’t along in the smart bulb market. Below, you’ll find the top 7 highest rated smart bulbs you can find on Amazon right now.
Some people simply do not need multi colored smart bulbs. While opting for lights that can change into a million different colors is nice and allows you to set scenes you can’t with white-only lights, it is certainly necessary. That’s why you’ll find a mix of white and multicolored smart bulbs below.
Philips Hue White A19 4-Pack
Philips Hue White 4-Pack
No one should be surprised to see Philips Hue at the top of this list. Though, some may be surprised to see that the white-only lights make the top. This is likely due to to pricing above anything else. This 4 pack of white Hue Lights does not come with the required Hue Bridge, so you should either have one already or look into one of the several bundles Philips has.
Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance
Philips Hue Single Premium Smart Bulb
Up next is the multi-colored version of the Hue Bulbs. A single Hue White and Color Ambiance bulb will run you around $40-$50 depending on whether there’s a sale or not, but you can luckily find deals on them quite often.
LIFX Mini White
LIFX Mini White (A19) Wi-Fi Smart LED Light Bulb
LIFX is responsible for the most popular smart bulb that isn’t made by Philips. Available in both white and multicolored options, their prices range depending on what type you choose. The cheapest of the bunch is the LIFX Mini White. Its regular price is $27, which is hardly cheap, all things considered. That said, the LIFX Bulbs do not require hubs like the Philips Hue line, which is a huge plus.
Smart WiFi Light Bulb
If you’re trying to get more bang for your buck, the LUMIMAN lights should prove to be appealing in both price and functionality. Like the LIFX bulbs, these don’t require a hub that connects to your wireless router, which really makes Philips’ offering seem a little dates. As you would with more expensive brands of smart bulbs, you can control the LUMIMAN bulbs with the app or smart assistant like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. Now, factor in that you can get four of these lights for less than the price of one Philips Hue Bulb at full price and it’s easy to see why these are selling well.
Sengled Smart LED Soft White Bulbs
Sengled Smart LED Soft White A19 Starter Kit
Looking for a no frills smart light system? Sengled has your back. These soft white bulbs may not change colors like some of the other options, but as mentioned above, not everyone needs or wants that ability. A two pack + hub kit will run you only $40 and an additional 4 bulbs will cost $39, which isn’t bad at all. You can control them with your phone, Alexa or Google Assistant just like the best of them, making the Sengled bulbs just as capable as many others.
MagicLight WiFi Smart Light Bulb
MagicLight WiFi Smart Light Bulb
MagicLights Smart WiFi Bulbs have a lot of the same features you’d expect in any smart bulbs, and that’s hardly a bad thing. At around $20 a pop, they’re on the cheaper side of the spectrum, and offer RBGW (Red, Blue, Green, White). You can also extend the functionality of the bulbs by connecting IFTTT, which will trigger the lights when certain events occur. Various scenes via the app and support for Alexa and Google are present here, making the MagicLight seemingly live up to its name.
Gosund Smart WiFi Bulbs
Gosuno Smart WiFi LED Light Bulb
These bulbs are fairly run of the mill in terms of functionality. You can control them via an app or smart assist of your choosing, customize the colors to your liking, and everything most of its competitors can do. What is impressive about these particular bulbs in that you can get two for under $25. No hub is required so you just need to buy the bulbs and you’re off.