8 Genuinely Amazing Game of Thrones Items You Can Wear
Don your nerd and wear it proudly. These will look great on you.

The costumes in Game of Thrones are spectacular, right? Even after you know that many of the furs worn by John Snow and Sansa Stark are Ikea rugs that have been worked over until they look like capes. Maybe even more so, knowing that.
Does the kid who lives deep inside your soul long to play dress up in one of those carpet capes? Or is a subtler homage to the world of Westeros more your style?
However you wear your nerd, we’ve got you covered. We found a collection of the best, most havable, and make-your-friends-jealous wearables for Game of Thrones Fans.
Get up! Get dressed! Winter is here!
Game of Thrones House Targaryen Grey Silk Tie
Game of Thrones House Targaryen Grey Silk Tie
If you have to wear a tie, use it to show your alliance to House Targaryen! This won’t keep you warm in the ice or protect you in battle but it will look good with that suit and you can wear it every day without coming off as obsessed.
Game of Thrones House Stark Bi-Fold Wallet
Game of Thrones House Stark Bi-Fold Wallet
Maybe you are too classy to go around wearing a carpet but you can put this homage to the House Stark in your pocket where no one but you will know you are a Nerd for the North. It says, “Winter is coming,” on the inside, in case you forget.
Game of Thrones Season 7 White Walker Dragon Mask
White Walker Dragon Mask
This is the kind of mask you buy once and wear every year for Halloween. Don’t be that guy who shows up without a costume. Also don’t be the one who frets about the costume for weeks in advance. Just go as a Whitewalker Dragon and be done with it!
Game of Thrones “Not All Heroes Wear Capes Some Just Hold The Door” Graphic Design Hoodie
Game of Thrones "Not All Heroes Wear Capes Some Just Hold The Door" Graphic Design Hoodie
Hodor is a hero! He may not be all flashy and ready to fight battles with armies and kings in his flashy fur cape but he’s like the everyday heroes everyone aspires to be. This hoodie gets him and it will be adorable on you.
Comical Shirt Ladies Mother Dragons T Shirt Thrones TV Show Gamer Game V-Neck Tee
Comical Shirt Ladies Mother Dragons T Shirt Thrones TV Show Gamer Game V-Neck Tee
If you have kids, this is necessary. You get how Dynarous Targaryen feels about her dragons, even when they go on a childish rampage and destroy an entire village. They might be monsters but they are her monsters and she loves them in a way no one else can. They are her identity — part of it, anyway — and her children.
North Remembers Got Thrones Hoodie Sweatshirt Sweater Pullover - Unisex
North Remembers Got Thrones Hoodie Sweatshirt Sweater Pullover - Unisex
See what they did there? At first glance, this looks like a branding shirt from a well-known outdoor apparel brand. Nope. It’s a subtle proclmation that you will not forget what happened in the North. It comes in five colors.
Havaianas Men’s Top Game of Thrones Sandals
Havaianas Men's Top Game of Thrones Sandals
Summer is coming! You need to prepare. Why not keep a map of the kingdom where you will never lose it? In your shoes. Better yet, this map is your shoes.
Targaryen in The Streets, Dothraki in The Sheets Jersey Tank Top for Men
Targaryen in The Streets, Dothraki in The Sheets Jersey Tank Top for Men
Funny! Wear this and everyone will know that you are wild thing in the sack and (probably) the rightful heir to the throne when you’re dressed. Of course, this could backfire. The Dothraki aren’t exactly cuddly and sweet. And there was that Mad King. Anyway, take you chances.