DJ and Produce Like an Ableton Master — 7 Courses for Just $29
Make and edit professional-quality tracks.

- The Details:
- Learn the ropes of home studio & MIDI recording to make & edit professional-quality tracks, and discover Ableton Warping—a time-stretching function for sampling or making mash-ups to stay in tempo.
- Use Ableton’s virtual instruments to create unique beats & melodies, plus gain valuable insight’s from accomplished instructors as you go behind the scenes with their tracks.
- Get the ins and outs of DJing with Ableton so you can create awesome sets, including the whole nine yards on live effects and MIDI capabilities, as well as expert instruction from your favorite DJs.
- Get up to speed on MaxForLive, the powerful tool that lets you design instruments, effects, and devices from scratch and gives you ultimate creative control.
Why You Want It: In this digital age there’s no excuse not to go forward if you want to produce your own music, and Ableton is one of the most acclaimed tools around to get yours on your way. This is a complete educational bundle for the software, designed to carry the complete beginner through to pro-level over 28 hours of content, and right now it’s practically free on the Inverse Shop.
The Deal: High quality, specialized instruction like this often comes at a premium, but right now the Inverse Shop has this particular batch of courses on sale for 97% off—that’s $29 as opposed to the usual $1393 MSRP out the door.