
Bill Nye Predicts the Future of Money, Privacy, Jeans, Driving, and VR

Don't get too attached to your money. 

by Inverse Video

In another installment of Future or Forgotten, Bill Nye comes to the Inverse office to try his hand at predicting the next 150 years of money, privacy, jeans, driving, and VR.

Apparently, money isn’t going to last very long, at least not in the paper form. A trip to any chain convenience store will show you your cell phone is a better way to (apple) pay than hauling a wallet out. That trend will likely continue until no one has two bills to rub together.

Sadly, the same goes for privacy. Bill Nye predicts a future where the entire world operates in a similar manner to a small town. Everyone knows everyone else’s business, but no one truly cares unless they’re bored.

You can also add driving to the list of things likely to die off. Given a machine’s ability to see in all directions and never blink, people might drive for fun, but they’re not going to be able to touch a robot in terms of performance.

Check out Season 2 of Bill Nye Saves the World, available now on Netflix.

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