
'Drake and Josh' Star Hints He’s Playing Nightwing, Fans Flip Out

Getty Images/DC Comics

Batman’s former sidekick, Dick Grayson, is getting his own movie in the DC Extended Universe, but we don’t know who the star will be. His former superhero team, the Teen Titans, are also getting their own TV show, but we don’t even know which characters are going to appear. Well, one of the former stars of Nickelodeon’s Drake and Josh is hinting (or perhaps threatening) that he’ll be playing Nightwing in some form or another. And, well, Twitter is conflicted.

Drake Bell, who played Drake on Drake and Josh, took to Twitter on Monday afternoon to post some intriguing photographs. The 30-year-old actor — who’s been beefing up, based on lots of thirsty workout pictures he’s shared on social media — began with a captionless tweet that included a photo of Dick Van Dyke, the color gray, and an illustration of a sun. Dick + Gray + Sun = Dick Grayson, get it?

He followed it up with a pictogram that was slightly easier to understand: a suit of armor and some chicken wings. Knight + wings = Nightwing.

There hasn’t been anything even close to resembling official confirmation that Bell is even in contention for the role. It’s also unclear where he’d even play Nightwing. If he’s hinting that he’ll be Nightwing on the upcoming Titans TV show, that’s a whole different ballgame, and, frankly, it makes a lot more sense. Especially since the replies to his tweets don’t exactly demonstrate a high demand for him to don Nightwing’s costume on the big screen.

“Leave MY SON RICHARD GRAYSON ALONE,” one user wrote

This, though, is the most savage response of all: