John Oliver: You Need to Donate to These Groups Under Trump
The NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Planned Parenthood, and MALDEF are just some of those listed.

John Oliver isn’t going to give President-elect Donald Trump an inch.
In the aftermath of Trump’s surprise victory last Tuesday, John Oliver dedicated an episode of Last Week Tonight on Sunday to the ways individuals can help combat the effects of his presidency. Beyond campaigning for elections, citizens can put their money where their mouth is and offer financial support to charities and organizations geared towards minority groups. Here’s a list of all the organizations Oliver mentioned as worthwhile causes to give to during the Trump years.
Planned Parenthood
Trump has made comments that suggest he would like to overturn the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision by adding new pro-life judges to the court. Vice president-elect Mike Pence went further during his time as governor of Indiana, supporting campaigns to grant embryos legal rights and defunding Planned Parenthood. A donation to the organization would help keep clinics open and make crucial information available to the public, with the proceeds shared between the local affiliate and the wider federal group.
A Planned Parenthood resources center.
Center for Reproductive Rights
The center aims to legally advocate for reproductive rights, including access to birth control, safe abortion procedures, and unbiased sources of information.
Natural Resources Defense Council
Those worried about a Trump administration’s approach to climate change — with renowned skeptic Myron Ebell set to handle the Environmental Protection Agency transition — will want to donate to the NRDC. The group works to safeguard communities across the globe, pushing for environmental laws that help protect the ecosystem.
Trump has no qualms about barring children from the country.
International Refugee Assistance Project
Trump has previously said that Syrian refugees “could be one of the great Trojan horses” and has called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States. Supporting the IRAP will ensure refugees get the legal support they need, with or without the support of the U.S. president.
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
The president-elect has a disturbing record of being sued for refusing to rent houses to African-Americans and believing that “laziness is a trait in blacks.” Supporting the NAACP Legal Defense Fund will protect minorities’ civil rights from a man who believes a judge’s heritage dictates their biases.
The Trevor Project
Trump’s vice president famously believes that gay people can be converted through electro shock therapy. Those worried about the influence Pence may have on the executive branch should consider donating to the Trevor Project, which aims to provide resources for LGBT individuals and offer suicide prevention services.
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Following Trump’s comments that a judge of Mexican heritage may represent a conflict of interest, readers may be interested in donating to MALDEF, which seeks to help Mexican Americans and support them in legal issues.