These 4 Graphs Show Just How Big 'Pokemon Go' Is
This is an unbelievable phenomenon.

Pokemon Go is big. Like, really big. New data is emerging that reveals the game is not just catching on, it’s catching on more than dating, chatting with celebrities, and even Game of Thrones. It’s hard to get across just how huge this phenomenon is, so here are four essential graphs that will hopefully put it into perspective.
The subreddit is massive
Reddit is the 30th most-visited website in the world, according to SimilarWeb. This graph shows the most popular subreddit (sections) on the website for the month of July. AskReddit, a subreddit where celebrities answer questions from the general public, had a staggering 37 million page views from 4.4 million unique visitors in the week after Pokemon Go was released. Not too shabby, right?
Except you see that dark blue line shooting up past the green line? Yeah, the dark blue line is the Pokemon Go subreddit, and the green line is AskReddit. Here we see AskReddit getting its ass kicked by a game that wasn’t available in the month before. That week after Pokemon Go came out, its dedicated subreddit accrued 92 million page views from almost 8 million unique visitors.
The Google searches are massive
This is a Google Trends graph of the most frequently searched terms from January 2010 to the present day. The first green hump you see on the left there is Game of Thrones (see how it bumps around the same time every year?). The red line is “Gangnam Style.” The purple line is Breaking Bad. That yellow line is the term “trump,” spiking around the time Donald Trump won the New Hampshire primary by a landslide.
That giant blue cliff on the far right? Yep, that’s Pokemon Go.
The install base is massive
This graph of Android phones that have Tinder installed versus Pokemon Go installs went viral when SimilarWeb posted it on Monday. A game about catching virtual animals has thoroughly trounced an app that involves meeting new people and going out on dates.
The app has shot straight past Tinder and looks set to even rival Twitter for dominance. But that’s not all…
The UNOFFICIAL install base is massive
At the time of writing, none of the countries in the graph above can officially install Pokemon Go from the Google Play Store. These users are downloading the app’s APK file and “sideloading” onto their device, a rather more cumbersome process compared to the Play Store method of searching for an app and pressing “install” on the phone. Despite these limitations, Pokemon Go is installed on 6.3 percent of Canadian Android devices that are in use.
It sounds impressive until you look at countries that actually can install the game officially. In New Zealand, a staggering 16 percent of Android phones have the game installed. Yes, really.
With many more countries to go, this game is only going to get bigger.