
Harley Quinn Smith Kicks Ass On Bass in the New 'Yoga Hosers' Trailer

See? Maybe there are some positive to the new ''Yoga Hosers' trailer. 

by Catrina Dennis
Rolling Stone

Your opinion of him aside, Kevin Smith continues to make movies and direct shows that fulfill the childhood dreams of jealous nerds everywhere. Tusk, the 2014 torture porn that saw actor Justin Long slowly mutilate until he resembled a hulkish walrus, introduced key characters that would continue in Smith’s cinematic universe — Johnny Depp’s Guy Lapointe, and two teenage clerks played by Harley Quinn Smith and Lily-Rose Depp. The girls are now leading the next franchise installment, Yoga Hosers, which debuted its trailer earlier today.

The two play teenage co-workers both named Colleen, and while the trailer is completely off the wall in every sense, one bit shines through: Harley Quinn Smith’s long-earned skills on the bass guitar.

Even now, it’s a little hard to tell exactly what’s going on in the film. The girls are joined by Depp’s Lapointe in what looks like an effort to rid their stores of small Nazi pimple monsters, but whether that’s true or not remains to be seen. Returning cast members include Tusk’s Justin Long as a Yoga instructor, and Haley Joel Osment as film’s antagonist. Comic book legend Stan Lee is set to make a cameo in one of the few places he is willing to outside of Marvel films.

The film has been stomped on by critics and Smith fans alike, with a dismal score of 25% on Rotten Tomatoes with horrible reviews that have dubbed it a “little more than a vanity project gone horribly wrong.” While Smith’s beloved stoner films of yesteryear might retain their cult classic status, Yoga Hosers has a lot to overcome in the face of these reviews. If anything, the weird little vermin villains of the film aren’t helping. As a die-hard fan of Smith’s classics, this one leaves me at a standstill so far.

Yoga Hosers hits theaters on July 29th.

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