
YouTuber Finally Explains Flat Earth Theory to All Us Heliocentrics

We're not saying, "Break out the Nobels."

by Adam Toobin

So we’re not saying it opens any major holes in the fields of astronomy, geology, or seismology. We’re just saying these videos explaining how a flat Earth theory works may be worth the curiosity factor. Yes, the narrator does believe what he is saying, but there is something endearing about having 15th century concepts interrogated with a veneer of scientific legitimacy.

In the flat Earth scenario, the Sun is not a massive fire ball hanging millions of miles away out at the center of our orbit but rather a small orb that loops around us, illuminating the ground locally. As for the space missions and their video evidence of both the Earth’s sphere and Sun’s size from space, government animation.

“Watch as the sunlight shrinks and follows the sun, it’s definitely a locally illuminating sun, not far away, not very big, and definitely not 93 million miles away,” he says.

The video contains a lot of talk about perspective and the angles of the sun’s rays as they come across the horizon. And the crux of the argument seems to be that if we accept the heliocentric view of the solar system (imagine!), the Sun should not shrink as it sets in the sky. Only a “locally illuminating” Sun would generate that effect, allegedly.

The video may make you wish you had paid more attention in beginner's physics. 


And for those of you out there who still aren’t convinced, he even conducts his own real scientific experiment consisting of a piece of cardboard with a few holes cut out. If you remain a geocentric-skeptic after the 20 minutes of “Come on, look at that perspective” that these videos provide, then maybe you do in fact deserve that hard-won B in introductory physics. There’s always something to be said for checking out the views of the other side, and this guy may even be from a-whole-nother planet.

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