Stephen King Wants a 'Dark Tower' Movie Already
Can you blame him? The story will be a long-running cash cow for post-apocalyptic action fans.

In a recent interview with, Stephen King expressed confusion when asked which of his books he’d like to see adapted into films. The author, rightfully, couldn’t think of a reason why audiences hadn’t seen a Cell movie yet, and he called his The Dark Tower series “gold on the ground waiting to be picked up.”
Luckily for King, rumors of a Cell movie picked up again in 2015, and the film, starring Samuel L. Jackson and John Cusack, is slated to premiere at FrightFest in Glasgow.
The Dark Tower, however, is a messier enterprise. Deadline reported last October that the first adapted film had a director and production company, but we haven’t heard casting rumors since. As King told Deadline, the film has been a surprisingly hard sell to production companies, who don’t want to risk starting new franchises if they can’t be guaranteed as sturdy, money-making “tent poles” for the industry. King said:
“The other thing is, it seems to me, that the studios have shown some extremely bad judgment in picking things for tent poles that are outside that particular narrow field, and I think, I think that it’s timidity to a degree, because they don’t want to make the big, big gamble on something that’s unproved.”
From where we’re standing, The Dark Tower looks like a sure thing.