Amazon’s custom-sized Made For You T-shirts launch today
Take two pictures, input your height and weight, and let Amazon take care of the rest.

Amazon’s Fashion subdivision is expanding again, this time with custom-tailored clothes. The Made For You line, which launches today, uses your height, weight, and two photos to create shirts made to fit your body. Made For You is available for shipping in the United States now.
At launch, the service is available only for custom t-shirts, though even that limited offering has plenty of options. You can choose from eight different colors, a variety of cotton blends, and even customize the shirt’s length, sleeve type, and neckline. Oh, and you can have your own name printed on the label, if you need a quick ego boost.
The shirts start at just $25 for Prime members and non-members alike — very inexpensive for custom-fit clothing, in classic Amazon style. T-shirts aren’t exactly groundbreaking, but these do point toward Amazon’s commitment to staking ground in the apparel market.
Less invasive — Perhaps the most welcome part of the Made For You Line is the balance Amazon has struck between ease of use and invasiveness. Many internet-based custom clothing programs require a very detailed body scan to tailor your clothes; Amazon’s asks only for your height, weight, and two photos of yourself. The company’s 3D modeling software takes care of the rest. Your photos are automatically deleted after being used by the software.
This is a welcome change for Amazon, which has shown a general propensity toward sacrificing user privacy in favor of personalized experiences. One of Amazon’s first forays into fashion, the Echo Look, provided users with “fashion advice” via full-body scan. The device sold so poorly that Amazon discontinued it back in May.
That's not to say Amazon has completely left its judgy past behind — over in the company’s Fitness division, the Halo fitness tracker is still here to make us feel bad about our bodies.
Amazon’s all-in on fashion — The pandemic has proven ludicrously fruitful for Amazon, and it’s using that increased cash flow to do what it does best: take over every industry known to humankind. Robotaxis and custom apparel are only the beginning.
The fashion industry isn’t one Amazon has traditionally invested many of its resources into. That’s no longer true, though: Amazon has already moved beyond basics to sell luxury fashion, too. Amazon doesn’t play around with its investments — it’s all in or nothing. Thus it's little surprise Amazon’s in-house fashion division has taken off at a breakneck pace.
Amazon says it hopes to expand its custom apparel offerings in the future to include more styles — though whether that means adding pants or just sticking with an extended T-shirt line is yet to be revealed. We wouldn't be surprised if one day we can order a whole wardrobe of "custom" fits from the retail giant.