Spring Cleaning Issue

How I achieved Inbox Zero bliss with the help of a raunchy cartoon

Turns out it's not that hard to stay on top of all the notifications.

Every day, I wake up to roughly 300 new emails in my work inbox alone, amidst which lies a scattering of important, easy-to-miss information.


I’m not one of those people who can let the “Unread” counter climb into the tens of thousands — I mark them all as read immediately, if only to make the notification go away. But I’m still left with dozens upon dozens of messages to sift through the moment I sign on. If I don’t, it’ll be out of hand by lunchtime.

One day recently, though, while watching the delightfully stupid Big Mouth spinoff, Human Resources, I inadvertently got the push I needed to handle it. In one episode of the show, the Randall Park-voiced character Pete the Logic Rock continually hawks a time-management mantra: Inbox Zero.
