That'll Show 'Em now redirects to Justin Trudeau's Wikipedia
Some conspiracists suspect Elon Musk is responsible for the expensive trolling campaign.

If you head over to the domain right now, you will be quickly redirected to the Wikipedia entry for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a prank almost certainly stemming from support of the current anti-vaxx protests taking place in Ottawa. The demonstrations originated from a convoy of Canadian truckers opposed to cross-border vaccine mandates and continuing COVID-19 restrictions, and rapidly grew to encompass thousands of supporters, some of whom have been photographed desecrating public monuments, as well as flying Nazi swastikas and Confederate flags.
Elon Musk is a big fan of these protests, apparently. “Canadian truckers rule,” he tweeted on Friday before reminding followers that “CB radios are free from govt/media control.” He also sent out “Je m’aple syrup” to his 72.2 million followers, but in the grand scheme of things that’s neither here nor there.
No, what we’re more concerned with is a theory floated earlier today on pro-Trump message boards (and Twitter) that Musk, the Technoking himself is responsible for the redirect. We’ve reached out to Musk for clarification on the matter, and will update accordingly. Until then, let us review the evidence.
Money, immaturity, and memes — Alright, look... normally we’d pay absolutely no heed to what the MAGA cultists lurking on the fringes of internet discourse have to say, but the above idea actually makes a certain amount of sense. Like almost everything else on Trump message boards, the facts have either been misrepresented or taken entirely out of context. The post in question states Musk bought the as if it were a verifiable fact, although we see no indication supporting this elsewhere online. And yet...
It’s not like that sort of behavior is above Musk’s obscene pay grade. It presumably cost a decent amount of money to purchase the domain name, meaning someone would not only have to be dedicated to the prank, but also possess the means to fund said gag. So, does Elon Musk have the capacity and past to support the idea he’s behind this dumb joke? Absolutely. Is it likely? Meh, perhaps not. But it’s not, not likely...